Sunday, February 27, 2011

Act 1- Scene 11

1) I was in bed by 12 or 12:30 but got to sleep by 1am
2) I slept until 9 I think. I had to get ready for church.
3) I had two small glasses of water.
4) I did no Bible.
5) I didn't exercise. 

6) Foodizzles:
Breakfast- none (not enough time)
Lunch- 1 slice pizza
Snack- two chocolate cupcakes
Dinner-  4 eggs and a lifewater
7) School: 
  •  none
     I organized nothing
     I cleaned nothing 
I am so tired just from going to church today. I feel rather hopeless since I have not improved in energy when all I have done this week practically is sleep. I am very worried about my Career Research class. I am very behind in it and I need to catch up now. I would work on it tonight (despite my brain) but I can't because the pictures that I need are saved at school. I am so stressed. This is not helping me get better. I am trying to eat healthy and get stuff done but I feel so listless and bleh. I plan to go to school tomorrow morning but I am far from having good feelings about it. My class is at 8am and I normally hate getting up that early let alone tomorrow when I will still be sick, and I will be looking terrible and feeling terrible. Ugh. Someone save me.


-Melina Rose

Act 1- Scene 10 (late)

1) I was in bed by 12 or 12:30 I think
2) I slept until noonish
3) I don't remember how much water I had if any
4) I did no Bible.
5) I didn't exercise. 

6) Foodles:
Breakfast-I don't remember...
Lunch- same
Snack- same
Dinner- same
7) School:
  • nothing
     I organized nothing
     I cleaned nothing
I stayed home from work after calling in sick. We watched two movies. I was told to go to bed immediately so I didn't post. 

-Melina Rose

Friday, February 25, 2011

Act 1- Scene 9

1) I was in bed by 12? I seriously can't remember.
2) I slept until 12:30pm
3) I had some water, a lifewater and a glass of milk.
4) I did no Bible.
5) I didn't exercise. 

6) Foodles:
Breakfast- peanut butter toast and peaches
Lunch- Hummus and carrots
Snack- sugar free brownies
Dinner-  beef, leeks, and brown rice
7) School:
  •  I took my Personal Finance test and almost threw my book against the wall. I got a high B despite that. The entire time spent on the thing was miserable.
     I organized nothing
     I cleaned nothing
I called in sick for tonight and tomorrow which is good. I am now getting a massage and going to bed. I am entirely overly emotional and exhausted.


-Melina Rose

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Act 1- Scene 8

1) I was in bed by 12:40am.
2) I slept until 9:30am
3) I had some water.
4) I did no Bible.
5) I didn't exercise. 

6) Foodzez:
Breakfast- 1 serving cream of wheat, half an apple, drizzle of honey
Lunch- Hummus and carrots
Snack- Iced tea
Dinner-  Pizza rolls and black and blue berry lifewater
7) School:
  •  I went to my flash class at 12pm
  • I completed this weeks discussions for my creative writing class
  • I did the finishing half of my writing assignment and turned it in

     I organized nothing
     I cleaned nothing
Thankfully classes are canceled tomorrow so no 8am class for me. I sent an e-mail to my co-workers essentially calling in sick. I want to work! I need the hours! Darn you sickness!


-Melina Rose

Act 1- Scene 7

1) I was in bed by 12:30am.
2) I slept until 2pm!
3) I had two small glasses of water.
4) I read Exodus 28:3 and was encouraged by the fact that God will help up accomplish his will and give us the things we need in order to do it.
5) I didn't exercise.

6) Foodzez:
Breakfast- slept through it
Lunch- slept through it
Snack-smoothie(Lifewater, mixed berries, strawberries)

Dinner-  Shepherds pie and 1 glass of lemonade
7)  I accomplished no school work

     I organized nothing
     I cleaned nothing

     I went to my youth group and played piano for worship

I woke up from heavy sleep at 2pm. I was thoroughly surprised that I needed that much sleep. I immediately got ready for what was left of my day and headed to pick up Mnonaa to go to church for youth group. She helped our small group make the meal while I was in worship practice. During practice I started overheating and was very tired. I thought I might be sick but nothing came of it. My youth pastor told me to lay down for a bit and so I did. (Sephre interesting story about that ask me later. Oh, and by the way...where is your post? where are you?) Since it is 12:03 I should be going to bed now. I plan to get up around 8:30 since I have class at 12pm. I didn't need to blow my nose as much today though I still cannot breath out of it.


-Melina Rose

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Act 1- Scene 6

1) I was in bed by 12:30am.
2) I got up at 8:30am.
3) No water again today.... *sigh*
4) I read Exodus 17:2 Thought about how it is better to pray about our problems than to complain.
5) I didn't exercise.

6) Foodies:
Breakfast- I forgot to eat breakfast. *shame* I had a cup of tea... does that count?
Lunch- I had 1/2 an apple in 1 serving of Cream of Wheat with a drizzle of honey
Snack-1 banana,
2 dinos covered in peanut butter (peanut butter toast)
Dinner-  beef taquitos, sweet potato fries, and Macintosh apple cherry Lifewater
7)  I went to my Intro to Flash class even though I really shouldn't have since I am pretty sure that I got my icky sick germs all over the computer.

     I completed one of my writing assignments
     I organized nothing
     I cleaned nothing

I have a headache from blowing my nose so much and I can barely breath. I went home from class early because there was no Kleenex and I have a constant need to blow my nose to survive. I will be skipping school tomorrow for this same reason. I don't like you evil sickness. Go away.


-Melina Rose

Act 1- Scene 5- Add lib

Suddenly overheating, shaking, weak, sweating and hungry. (Kind of the feeling you get right before you throw up except I didn't feel sick to my stomach at all.) I inhaled 3 sticks of string cheese and slept.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Act 1- Scene 5

1) I ended up getting to sleep at 1:30am
2) I woke up at 1:11pm and got up a little while later. (I forgot to check the time but it wasn't over half an hour.) I figured that I should sleep since I am sick. 
3) I fail. I didn't drink any water today. Not just water itself. I drank a cup of tea if that counts at all. Fail.
4) I read Exodus 4:10 and related to it quite well.
5) I didn't exercise.

6) Foodies:
Breakfast- I slept through breakfast.................again. lol
Lunch- Glorified Chicken and brown rice, 12 oz black coffee
Snack-1 bowl dry Wheat Chex

Dinner- Chimichanga and a large cup of chamomile tea
7)  I looked at my school
assignments and thought about ideas for them......
     I organized nothing
     I cleaned nothing

My muscles felt so much better today. I am stick coughing up a storm but at least now I don't double over in pain every time. Pretty nasty stuff, all the same. Fail with the water.


-Melina Rose

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Act 1- Scene 4

1) Went to sleep at 2:30am It still isn't good but it is better than 5am.
2) I got up at 12:30pm. Yes, I slept through church. 
3) I drank 16oz of water today. (yes major fail)
4) I read Exodus 1:12 and was encouraged by the fact that our trials can make us stronger.
5) I was sore all day still. It hurts to breath let alone cough. I have a bad cough and it hurts more than usual due to the muscles being fail. That being said I did not exercise.

6) Eating:
Breakfast- I slept through breakfast.
Lunch- Chicken noodle soup
Snack-pizza rolls, grapes, and dry wheat chex
and 4 ounces of black coffee
Dinner- Beef Ramen
7)  I did no school

     I organized nothing
     I cleaned nothing

I felt like I had been hit by a semi-truck when I finally woke up this morning. I have been in constant pain and have refrained from movement as much as possible. It hurts even when I do nothing and it isn't just muscle pain anymore I don't think. Everything hurts but most of all my lower back, my stomach, my chest, and my throat.
I am going to bed asap and probably skipping my 8am class tomorrow. Hopefully I will wake up feeling better and be able to get a lot of stuff done.

-Melina Rose

Act 1- Scene 3

1) Went to sleep at 5:06am *shot*
2) I got up at 11:50am.
3) I drank 25.5oz of water today.
4) I read Genesis 18:14 and thought about how God can make anything happen.
5) I was sore all day. It hurts to breath. That being said I did not exercise. I worked a 7 hour shift and lifted more stuff than usual.....

6) Eating:
Breakfast- I kind of slept through that time that would count as breakfast.... I had some saltine crackers *cringe*
Lunch- I skipped lunch.
Snack-saltine crackers and a few grapes

Dinner- I had glorified chicken and rice and a few bites of a ice cream sundae with pineapple and strawberries on it.
7)  I did no school

     I organized nothing
     I partially cleaned my room.

So, today was kind of a fail. I didn't eat barely at all, let alone healthy stuff. I messed up my sleep schedule. I didn't drink enough water and I am sitting here writing this while munching on fries. *sigh* My boss didn't help me out at all by turning to me as I was clocking out and telling me to take home all of the extra food. I have an annoying bit of a cough. It is light and tickley and kills my aching stomach muscles. -_-



-Melina Rose

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Act 1-Scene 2

1) Went to sleep at 11:50pm.
2) I got up at 6:30am.
3) I drank 76.5oz of water today.
4) I read Genesis 15:6 and learned stuff. :P
5) I did 30 minutes of Wii Fit. 1/3 strength training, 1/3 aerobics, 1/3 balance. (My muscles are still shaking violently. Pathetic. Weak. Fail.)

6) Eating:
Breakfast- 4oz of black coffee, 1 serving Cream of Wheat, 1/4 apple, a drizzle of honey on the cereal
Lunch- 2 cups/17 ounces White Chili, 1/4 apple 
Snack- banana

Dinner- I had a crispy chicken sandwich (fried chicken, lettuce, cheese, ranch, tomato, bun) and a  regular moo-latte (slush base, ice cream, caramel, coffee concentrate, butterscotch cone dip, whipped cream)
7) I finished portfolio assignments:

  • Magazine Editorial Layout
  • Typography Posters
  • Self Promotion Campaign
  • Bubble Tea Postcard Ad
  • Form
     I organized nothing
     I cleaned myself. Does that count?

I feel better in some ways about today but I still definitely need to work on things. I am hungry and currently craving french fries. I might cave.
  (added later) I resisted the fries and opted for cheese, crackers, and summer sausage. Still not super healthy but definitely better than fries.


-Melina Rose

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Act 1

I was talking to Sephre and we decided we need to get our act together. Stop letting ourselves waste our energy and make an effort to improve. So here are my goals. These are the things I need to do.

  1. Go to bed by 12
  2. Get up by 8 even if I don't have a class
  3. Eat three meals a day (not all at once). This has to be real food not junk food and it has to be balanced.
  4. Exercise every day and get a good workout.
  5. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day (hopefully more) and cut down on my sugar intake.
  6. Read my Bible every day.
  7. Once I get all of my stuff organized, keep it that way.
A more general goal would be to get my homework done before doing anything fun. 

Fighting interwebz!

-Melina Rose

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.  ~World Health Organization, 1948

In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.  ~Author Unknown

Act 1- Scene 1

1) Went to sleep at 1:30am
2) I woke up at 8am but drifted in and out of light sleep until 10am when I got up.
3) I drank about 4 glasses of water today.
4) I read Genesis 4:6-7 and contemplated how I react to correction.
5) I did the stairs 10 times (each time being once up and once down and all sets together without stopping) 6 were running 4 were walking.
6) Eating:
Breakfast- 1 serving Cream of Wheat, 1/4 apple, a hunk of chicken about half of the size of my fist, a drizzle of honey on the cereal
Lunch- 1/4 of an apple and a TV dinner (spicy Caribbean chicken) [chicken, pineapple, black beans, corn, rice]
Snack- popcorn
Dinner- I had a tall glass of milk and a bowl of white chili.
7) I finished all creative writing homework (discussions and writing assignments)
     I organized nothing
     I cleaned nothing

I feel fairly good about today. It was definitely hard to go against my bad habits.
I need to improve getting up on time, water intake, eating habits, and amount of exercise. I don't think I realized how much of a change this actually is for me.


-Melina Rose