1) I was in bed by 12:30am.
2) I got up at 8:30am.
3) No water again today.... *sigh*
4) I read Exodus 17:2 Thought about how it is better to pray about our problems than to complain.
5) I didn't exercise.
6) Foodies:
Breakfast- I forgot to eat breakfast. *shame* I had a cup of tea... does that count?
Lunch- I had 1/2 an apple in 1 serving of Cream of Wheat with a drizzle of honey
Snack-1 banana, 2 dinos covered in peanut butter (peanut butter toast)
Dinner- beef taquitos, sweet potato fries, and Macintosh apple cherry Lifewater
7) I went to my Intro to Flash class even though I really shouldn't have since I am pretty sure that I got my icky sick germs all over the computer.
I completed one of my writing assignments
I organized nothing
I cleaned nothing
I have a headache from blowing my nose so much and I can barely breath. I went home from class early because there was no Kleenex and I have a constant need to blow my nose to survive. I will be skipping school tomorrow for this same reason. I don't like you evil sickness. Go away.
-Melina Rose
Get better soon Imooto-chan! Gambate!