Doing pretty good so far!
- I got to sleep somewhere around 11:45am I think (no bed, still sleeping on the couch) It was kind of patchy sleep but that happens.
- Got up around 6am
- -15oz (7am)
-20oz (11am)
-16oz (6pm)
Total: - Breakfast: Hand sized piece of biscuits and gravy breakfast bake (biscuit, egg, cheese, sausage, gravy)
Snack: less than 1/4 cup of leftover berry smoothie (10am)
Lunch:Tuna salad sandwich and tea (1:30pm)
Dinner: Poutine, a slice of quiche, a small salad and a cup of hot apple cider
Snack: X - Exercise? none besides work
- Devotional? none :/
- No money spent (2pm)
No money spent still (9pm) - Creating?
- - Made Breakfast bake
-Showered and did hair
-Fed Baby and let her out to run a bit
-Washed dishes
-Worked 8am-1pm
-Made lunch
-Unloaded the dishwasher
-Took out trash and washed the garbage can
-Contacted old DM about missing paycheck
-Had good dinner with Panda and resisted buying super cute clothes
-Came home at a decent time
-Gave Baby kale
-Wore retainer! - I cut the caffeine completely out of today and opted for a pretty solid nap instead, since I didn't sleep very well last night.
Woop woop
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