Friday, August 11, 2017

Act 3 - Scene 5

  1. I was awake until 11:30pm probably
  2. I got up around 10:30am 
  3. ?
    Total =? 
  4. Breakfast = none
    Lunch = chocolate chunk pancakes (around 2pm)
    Snack = none
    Dinner = meat and potato burrito, small potato ole and small root beer from Taco John's
    Snack = half a box of Kraft mac n cheese
  5. x
  6. ...x
  7. Didn't buy anything. Paid auto insurance for 6 months.
  8. I did my makeup....does that count?
  9. -Fed Baby and cleaned her litter box
    -Showered and did hair
    -Made chocolate chip pancakes
    -Did makeup
    -Packed a box of bathroom stuff
    -Let Baby run around for exercise (multiple hours)
    -Paid Auto Insurance bill
    -Researched new vehicle options
    -Ate dinner
    -Backing up old phone so I can switch to new
    -Got insurance quotes for new vehicles
  10. I needed to sleep in and try to relax a bit. I enjoyed an episode of Dr. Who with my parents and time with Baby. After dinner snack was also needed.
The stress is strong with this one.


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