Friday, May 27, 2011

Act 1 - Scene 99

Wednesday May 25
1) I went to bed at 11pm
2) I woke up at 6am
3) Water -minute amounts
4) Bible-none
5) Exercise-I'm going to say nannying even though it doesn't exactly count...

6) Foodz: 
Breakfast- Raisin Bran
Second Breakfast- Rice cake
Lunch-chicken ramen, strawberries, blueberries
Snack-rice cake
Dinner-I don't remember.....hahah fail
After Dinner Snack-fruit snacks
  • I am out of school for the summer but plan to work on learning Japanese so I already know some when I attend my class for it in the fall.
  • _______________
     I organized:
  • __________
  • _____________
     I cleaned:
  • Nannying cleaning
    • Loaded the dishwasher at the nannyhouse
    • Swept the nannyhouse
    • Put away toys at the nannyhouse
  • Straightened my room
____insert link for today's post_____


-Melina Rose

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Act 1 - Scene 98

Tuesday May 24
1) I went to bed a few hours after midnight? I don't remember exactly...
2) I woke up at 12:40pm
3) Water -minute amounts
4) Bible-various verses but no true reading
5) Exercise-none

6) Foodz: 
Breakfast- I was asleep
Second Breakfast- Fruit snacks
Lunch-left over chicken curry and rice, pineapple, lifewater
Snack-rice cake?
Dinner-chicken kabobs (chicken, bbq sauce, green and red bell peppers, onion), salad
After Dinner Snack-fruit snacks, carmel frappechino
  • I am out of school for the summer but plan to work on learning Japanese so I already know some when I attend my class for it in the fall.
  • _______________
     I organized:
  • __________
  • _____________
     I cleaned:
  • I cleaned my room 
    • Made bed
    • Put away clothes
    • Organized my tray of junk
  • Unloaded and loaded the dishwasher
____insert link for today's post_____


-Melina Rose

Monday, May 23, 2011

Act 1 - Scene 97

Monday May 23
1) I went to bed at 11:20pm
2) I woke up at 6:30am
3) Water -none...whoops
4) Bible- none
5) Exercise- I didn't really "exercise" today but I played with two little girls...that counts for something right?

6) Foodz: 
Breakfast- Two chocolate pancakes and some milk
Second Breakfast- none
Lunch-left over Pho soup, strawberries
Snack-organic chips?
Dinner-chicken curry and rice (
After Dinner Snack-lifewater, fruit roll up
  • I am out of school for the summer but plan to work on learning Japanese so I already know some when I attend my class for it in the fall.
  • _______________
     I organized:
  • __________
  • _____________
     I cleaned:
  • Straightened the house I nanny at. (swept, some dishes, picked up toys :P small stuff)
  • Helped clean up dinner stuffs
____insert link for today's post_____


-Melina Rose

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Act 1 - Scene 96

Sunday May 22
1) I went to bed at 2:30am
2) I got woke up at 9:40am
3) Water -a few glasses
4) Bible- Psalm 128?
5) Exercise- 20 minutes (walked a mile) and then some more walking at the mall

6) Foodz: 
Breakfast- skipped :/
Second Breakfast- rice cake and blueberries
Lunch-beef, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, leek, pineapple, rice (Seshuan[spelling?] beef), fruit roll up
Snack-Chai Frappe
Dinner-Vietnamese Pho Soup ( beef, shrimp, chicken broth, green onions, rice noodles, onions)
After Dinner Snack-2 fruit roll ups and 1 yogurt (what? they are addicting!)
  • I am out of school for the summer but plan to work on learning Japanese so I already know some when I attend my class for it in the fall.
  • _______________
     I organized:
  • __________
  • _____________
     I cleaned:
  • I unloaded and partially loaded the dishwasher
Click here for more about my day!


-Melina Rose

Act 1 - Scene 95

Saturday May 21
1) I went to bed at  3:30am
2) I got woke up at 9:00am
3)  water - half of what you need for a day
4) Bible- Psalms
5) exercise-  30 minutes of ballet work-out and 65 minutes of walking
6) Foodz: 
Breakfast- 1 fried egg, green and red peppers, onion, mango, iced coffee
Second Breakfast- half of a rice cake
Lunch-Half of the portion of Pad Thai from Noodles and Co.
Snack-Yogurt covered raisins, two fruit roll ups
Dinner-the other Half of the portion of Pad Thai from Noodles and Co., 2 Strawberries, small handful of blueberries, small handful of pineapple, Ting (drink)
After Dinner Snack-Yogurt covered raisins
  • I am out of school for the summer but plan to work on learning Japanese so I already know some when I attend my class for it in the fall.
     I organized:
  • I caught up on my other blog's posts
  • I caught up on this blog's posts
     I cleaned:
  • A little bit of kitchen cleaning
Detail about today :P <<<Click :D


-Melina Rose

Exactly one month since I have updated...

So......yeah. I  haven't updated this blog in to long. I am going to start it back up! I'm still on Act 1 just in a different state :P Sephre and I are living together! Obviously I can't update you on what I ate, drank, how much I slept etc for the past month.
I can say that it was not enough of all of the above lol :/ I did survive finishing up my degree though and am on to summer!
If you want more detailed updates on my day to day life or random stories or whatnot click here !

-Melina Rose